yesterday.. i made a trip to xinshan again. its been almost 1 month since i last went there. And why was I there the last time??? whahaa... its my beloved ZChen's Hotlink promo tour! Yes... i didnt blog abt that extraordinary experience. How can that be?!?!?
Ok.. i will blog from the best that my memories can hold.
That was 25th Oct 05... @ Wisma TiongHua @ 8pm.
It was a Tuesday, a working day leh! I took half day to go there... so walked around there b4 i go see him. It wasnt easy to see him. I mean, we walked from Plaza Pelangi to the building, and its actually quite a long distance. Walked til sweat cats and dogs... but everything is worth it lah... Coz the very last time i see my idol was like Jan 05... hey! almost 10 mths leh.. almost 1 yr! so was very very excited to see him once again!walk walk walk.. finally... reached.....
the event was supposed to start at 8pm.. but he was late. But i am fine with it... coz its him... and anticipating his arrival was such an exciting period...
then the host came out... asking the crowd to scream and act "rowdy".. wahha not exactly lah.. its juz to show our PASSIOn for Z!
then..... hes out!!!! oh.. but hes soooo far... so tiny... but yes... he is singing right in front of me... all these months of waiting...
somehow... it seems like a dream.... well... cant really remember the sequence of the songs he sang, but i remembered.. he sang "快乐" "让时间开口""预言" "放我的真心在你手心". Well... he mentioned that 让时间开口 was very hot in Singapore! wow.. i feel like standing up and scream... yes yes!!! Singapore loves u!! i am from Singapore!!! wahaha.. but i was shy lah! :P.
As usual, he cracked alot of jokes. esp during the contest part, he kept teased the contestants. there was this girl who went to sing a children song( when they played a Z's song), and Z asked her if she juz happened to pass by the place. Then later when she finally answered correctly, Z said.. oh she finally woken up.
Haha.. my Z is soooooo humurous!
I remember the last song he sang was "放我的真心在你手心". Honestly speaking, I dont really like this song in the 1st place... but after hearin him sing that night, i fell in love with the song too.. its sooo touching.. especially when he sang it with such emotions... wow.... *touched til tears roll down, almost*
Then its the autograph session. YES!!! I Finally can see my idol up close and personal! I promised myself and the SG fans I will tell him we will wait for him in Singapore! hehee.. but i was wondering whether the words would come out from my mouth anot.. coz when i see him.. my legs will turn jelly, will go voiceless...
wahhaha I kanchiong mah!
We queued up... then when we were near him.. the host actually interviewed us. The (super) excited me blurted out that WE ARE FROM SINGAPORE. hahaa... then she asked us why we all teh way from sgp go jb.... wahahaa talk talk talk...
Then its my turn! yes!!! I can see/talk/touch/admire my beloved Z!!
wow! can take photo somemore... of coz i maitu! quick take. The staff there were very nice... they help us take pic.. so the 1st pic i took was with my hp. actually my intent was juz to take a pic of him with my hp. but since they offer such excellent service.. why not??? So... took a photo with him...(happily). Then.. i told him i am from Singapore!! (Yes... i never dumbstruck! wahaha) But huh.. he doesnt look surprised one leh... he was like.. oh yea? ok.. i am coming to singapore on 29th. thank u...
haha.. but of coz.. i was too excited... so told him... i am goin to ALL his events in SG, see him in Sgp. Then i took another pic with him... this time with my dig cam. of coz.. this pic was the better 1... hehe.. he smiled til soooooo sweet!
Wow! i am damn happy that time.... objective met!
then went down stage... then went toilet... which is located behind the stage. Then guess what?!?!When we came out of toilet, z had juz finished his autograph, and he was walking towards the toilet area so that he can go to the lift. wow!! lucky me managed to "bump" into him! wah.... sooo happy! and i told him...新加坡见!he replied back 新加坡见!
wow... soooo happy!! almost wanna hug and kiss him.. but i controlled myself lah..... kidding lah! i not so tiko lah!!
Anyway.. i was really very happy... its like a dream come true... to hear him sing again... to see him so up close..then we went down the building... then when we were walking around the entrance, saw a car drove past. Dont know why, I took a hard look into the car. And guess who is inside! yes!!! my Z!!! he saw us too.. and waved... wow...
what a nice ending ... everything was perfect! perfectly coincidence! hehe
If only everyday of my life, i can encounter such nice experience, I think i will die with a big smile on my face man!
Come to think of it... Z only see us for less than 5 minutes... yet he still remember me when he was in Singapore. It shows how much sincerity he has towards his fans. I believed he will make the efforts to remember his fans. Coz he's one who can really appreciate us who really appreciate him too! Its a to and fro relationship. I am really glad that he is my idol. Selfishly, I enjoyed being 1 of his small base fans, this way then can we have such a meaningful relationship. But at the same time, I do hope that he make it big as he really should. Well, these are some of the dilemma that human faces, "to... or not to....."
But anyway, anyhow, I LOVE ZCHEN!
对感情绝对专一 张智成不做劈腿族 2005/10/26 18:09:18●南洋商报新山26日讯- 本地歌手张智成誓言不做“劈腿族”,在感情的道路上不当第三者,但若遇到心怡的单身女孩,要自己等多久都愿意。台湾演艺圈“盛行”劈腿族,男女关系多复杂,但到台湾发展的张智成,却没有“入境随俗”,他回到大学念书的地方举办个人新专辑签唱会时认真的表示,自己对感情绝对专一,若是遇上心怡的对象,只要对方还单身,一定会主动追求,不会等待时间开口。“快乐唱游”签唱会张智成的“快乐唱游”全马签唱会,虽因首相夫人辞世而紧急展延至星期二晚上,仍吸引大批死忠歌迷到场支持,让久违了的张智成感动不已。该签唱会由Hotlink呈献,CMG和华研国际联合主办,原订于星期天晚上举行,紧急延后两天至昨晚,在新山中华大厦黄树芬敬礼堂与歌迷见面。湿答答的天气,再加上不是周末假日,但仍有逾百名歌迷在7时许陆续抵达,秩序井然的等待偶像现身,除了少男少女粉丝外,当中还有不少家长级的粉丝到场助阵,场面温馨热闹。张智成没有让歌迷等太久,约8时30分,张智成首先带来第6张个人专辑中的歌曲《Just Once》,号称R & B情歌王子的他表示,这首歌的音乐录影带完全由大马导演制作,由于本地素质较好的导演多为广告导演,价码不低,因此,该音乐录影带耗资不菲。他接受主持人菲比的访问时说,第一天的拍摄工作从凌晨4时开始至半夜,第二天也一样,虽然过程不轻松,但难得能够在自己的家乡拍摄音乐录影带,再辛苦也值得。接着,张智成呈献专辑同名歌曲《快乐》,这首歌曲他也有份参与制作,感觉很不一样。毕业于柔佛士姑来工艺大学的他表示,在新山念大学时已开始写歌,但当时只抱着学习的心态,写歌是兴趣,不是专长,认为自己只想追求简单的生活,好好的对待自己。在演唱第三首歌曲《让时间开口》时,菲比称赞张智成唱歌时非常投入,还说认真的男人最有魅力。但身高170公分的他自认自己长得不够高,不够帅,唯一的专长是唱歌,必然全情投入。此外,他说,当面对心怡对象时,自己不会选择让时间开口,而会主动出击,只要对方还是单身,要自己等也愿意,因为等待也是一种耐性的考验。超级歌迷演唱歌曲签唱会临时改期,张智成没有让歌迷失望,继续带来第五首新歌,也是在本地制作的《预言》。他说,这首歌曲具有浓浓的中国风,其实自己每张专辑都会收入一些中国风的歌曲,但都是本地创作,希望以自然的方式将这些作品推向国际。在中场阶段,主持人邀请6位超级歌迷组成3队上台较劲演唱张智成的歌曲,以赢取丰富的奖品和海报,其中一名参与者脱线演出,竟然唱起儿歌,令台上台下爆笑不止,张智成在游戏环节也展现幽默的主持人功力,将歌迷情绪带到最高点。接下来他还演唱了卡拉OK点唱金曲《May I Love You》和《凌晨三点钟》,以及旧曲新唱的《放我的真心在你的手心》,为长达1小时30分的演唱时段划下句点。资料来源:南洋商报
張智成新山散播快樂歌迷尖叫.全場沸騰報導:陳秋蕾(新山26日訊)張智成到新山散播快樂,造福新山歌迷! 昨晚在新山中華公會大廈舉行的《張智成快樂唱遊全馬簽唱會2005──新山站》,讓歌迷帶著快樂,滿心歡喜地回家去。簽唱會未開始前,歌迷們已迫不待地要見偶像一面,直到工作人員將會場大門打開,歌迷非常守秩序地入場、乖乖地靜心等待偶像出場。原訂8時開場的簽唱會,歌迷苦苦等了近40分鐘,在引頸長盼下,由主持人菲比熱情介紹,張智成終于帶著第1首歌《Juat one》現身。張智成一出場,歌迷即瘋狂吶喊,現場尖叫聲連連,張智成的舞台魅力果然令人無法抵擋。在演唱完新專輯的主打歌《快樂》時,張智成感慨地說,快樂是很重要的,並鼓勵歌迷們要追求快樂,更要好好對待自己。歌迷上台玩遊戲之后,主席人菲比挑起感情問題,張智成也坦言,“在感情的世界裡,我是個主動的人,只要遇到心儀的對象,一定會主動出擊,但絕對不會成為第三者。”他續說,在愛情的國度裡,等待是最好的手段,接著就深情地演唱第3首《讓時間開口》,讓現場歌迷聽出耳油。在簽唱會現場,張智成和歌迷玩遊戲,現場選出6位觀眾,組成3組人馬,大會播放張智成歌曲的過門音樂,讓參賽者猜出歌名,並現場清唱一段,參賽者皆使出渾身解數,就為要與張智成做更近距離的接觸。其中,1位女參賽者不知是否因為見到偶像張智成而太緊張,竟在回答問題后唱起兒童歌曲,調皮的張智成逗了該女參賽者,惹得全場哄堂大笑。原來,張智成不但歌唱得好,也讓現場歌迷見識了偶像的搞笑功夫。遊戲玩完了,張智成繼續獻唱由大馬人詞曲創作的《預言》、成名曲《May I Love You》及《凌晨3點鐘》。簽唱會在張智成唱畢《放我的真心在你的手心》后結束,而張智成稍作休息后,就為歌迷簽名及合照。