
Thursday, January 07, 2010

its a brand new year...

wow.. it has been a while since i last blogged...
reason being.... laziness.. hehee.. wat else can it be?

anyway, lots of changes in my life to update.
1st thing, i'm married!!!
still adapting to my MRS life now.. meaning.. have to help out in some house chores, living with new family, once-per-week mama cooked dinner, sharing bed with my BELOVED hubby.... etc..
it can get abit tough sometimes since its such a big change to an individual, but im coping well... get abit home sick some times...

ok... next... bcoz of my wedding, im entitled to an event call.. honeymoon! we went to the beautiful hokkaido, and it was really a wonderful place...shall detailed the trip next time....
oh i miss the place...

hmmm.. tats all for the day...
my blogger passion has yet to rekindle.. but i think.. it will come back soon.. pls anticipate!

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