
Sunday, November 06, 2005

feeling chim lately...

Yesterday I was surfing around.. and read some articles on my princeZ. and after reading them, was quite upset lah... coz they were all reports speculating that he is considering quitting the scene...

he said things like.. hes very tired already, hes not suitable for the entertainment scene, if got fate next time will meet again, if he no longer sing, his songs will still be with us (through the cds).

Wah say, how can he quit now???? what abt me?? I really regret not "discovering" him earlier, thus i had missed out alot of his pasts... Now when i discovered him, he is contemplating about quitting...
this aint fair!! i still need to watch him perform 1 leh.. else ... i may suffer fr depression ar!!!! wahahaha serious hor! dun play play!

But seriously... its quite sim tia (heart pain) to see him struggling like this... thus I wrote him a long long encouragment message yesterday on the forum. Hope he will read it.

He has proved himself to be as of a friend to his fans and we really do love him truly... hope everything will work out for him... hope he wunt b unhappy always. As he mentioned... we are all human, we cant be happy every single minute what.... true lah.... hope he will only be 10% unhappy... 90% happy!

Zhi Cheng, Practise what you preach!! I mean what you sang/wrote
你是你自己的作者, 何必写那么难演的剧本( dont give yourself too much stress. Dont think too much and too deep)

Below is my msg to him.... is it touching enough? :~) muahaha



大概是你在娱乐界找不到你所谓的理想的舞台吧, 也让你很失望。

我们都明白你踏路这一行, 是想把好音乐带给大家。 这点,你已经做到了!有许多人都在欣赏你美丽的声音。所以呢,你是成功的!真的, 不然为什么还会有这么多fans 牢牢地支持你呢? 我们听到你的声音, 感受到你的城恳, 看到你的努力。 我们都被你感动了。

真的是希望你能坚持下去。。 如果可以的话, 就尽量把娱乐圈的烦恼抛到far far away!

当然,我们也很希望你会快乐。 如果有一天,你真的是蹭不下去,我也会尊重你的决定的。我们也不想你太难过。。。
“dear god, 能不能放宽智成的期限。。?“

智成, 还真的不懂怎么表达我想说的每一句话。 真的真的真的真的希望你会像你的歌一样的快乐。希望你一切都顺利, 能找到你所要的舞台。

就快到内地去了, 希望你现在能好好休个息, 照顾好你的身体。 不然我们会为你心痛的。可以想, 但不要想太多啦!

智成, 加油吧!!当你感到down时,就想想可爱的我们吧.

你的歌声已在我的记忆,人间多些爱的传奇。放你的名字在我的内心 我们一定会再相聚。。。一定要!

说的那么多 (+ 错字)。。 真不好意思。 重点是。。 智成,我们都会在你的后面扶持着你的!!

加油! 加油! 加油!

p/s: 如果你真在大马开场售票演唱会,我一定会集和你新加坡的fans一起去支持你的!Promise! 你的梦想一定会实现的!

快乐小王子, 记得要快乐!

贴身歌迷 随时围绕在你左右 像守护你的星座:May I Love Z


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