
Saturday, April 29, 2006


Now i finally understand why civil SERVANTS get good bonus...
its all bcoz of the shit they get from their fellow singaporean mates

Sometimes ,it irks me... when I think of my fellow Singaporean mates...

What happened to our education system? What did we teach them that made us behave like this???

For example.. lets take the current Progress package thingy...

every1 is sooooooooooo excited to get the $.. thats good.. gahmen share budget surplus with us.. thats gd. we should all get the $ and keep our mouth shut....

but why are there sooooo many irritating people around, demanding for more $ or demanding for $ when they are simply not eligible!

Example lets talk abt the WORKfare bonus....

WORKfare.... notice the 4 letter word W-O-R-K...
its for the people who worked.. those who did not work... period! u should simply sit in 1 corner and suck ur thumb. you did not work and u have the face to demand for WORKfare bonus? Poo!!! go get ur ass up and work lah! then u will have ur $!

its for people who is 40 yrs old and above as at 31 dec 2005. this is such a clear cut thing.. as long as you are not at least 40 yr old at 31 dec 05, you should simply move ur ass aside! why do u keep demanding gahmen to give u the $ coz u r juz 2 months short of 40? ok.. so if they give to the 39 yrs old , then the 38 yrs old will want.. and the story goes on forever!
haha.. nobody will insist to be old under normal circumstances rite? its all in the power of $!

see... ugly singaporeans....

and the number of people who made a big fuss abt the $...

sighz... all these matters wont surface if gahmen didnt give the $ in the 1st place rite?

give u $, u make noise
dont give u, nothing happens......

so whats the rationale behind all these?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

張智成想婚了 談戀愛以結婚為前提

Pls refer to the inserts of english words... they are my valuable comments. :D

目前感情一片空白的歌手張智成(yes, i am coming lah)今天說,未來談戀愛將以結婚為前提(ok.. i do)。他還語出驚人表示,被包養也不錯,不過,對方得先拿出新台幣五千萬元捐給心路基金會,再給他五千萬元做為安心費。獅子大開口的玩笑嚇壞了不少人。 (i will try to save as much as i can)

張智成還笑說考慮到泉州物色對象(no please... I can give u dowry too!!),聽說那裡的女孩嫁妝一籮筐,讓人心動,直說下半輩子就不用愁了啦!張智成又說,只想娶圈外人(me!),自己也想當圈外人。讓人不免猜測他是否想退出演藝圈?

即將發行新專輯「愛情樹」今天在Hit Fm安排下,張智成帶著「大愛」來到心路洗衣坊挑戰折衣服。在家也會做家事的他,坦承這是第一次折衣服,心障朋友很給張智成面子,給了八分,讓他鬆了一口氣。

久未見到媒體,張智成十分開朗心。被問到既然都來發揮愛心做大愛了,那目前的感情世界又如何呢?張智成說,目前真的沒動靜(coz u have not meet me what!),但下一個女朋友會以結婚為前提交往(ya, told you I do liao!)。大家對於他這麼快就想被套牢的想法感到驚訝,張智成不避諱地承認自己年紀真的有點大了,再拖
下去可能就結不了婚了。(ok... come quick! I am waiting for you!!!)

張智成也坦承自己個子不夠高,為了下一代的基因著想,希望對象「大約要有一百六十公分(me!),學歷也要高一點(Me!),還要體貼(Me!)、溫柔(Me!)與善良(Me again!)。」以圈內人為例,他最欣賞的是戴佩妮這種類型的,不過她個子還是嬌小了點。張智成了解,擇偶條件會隨著年齡增長而放寬,他說,以後可能就不會在乎對方的身高了!


Today i discovered.. i am quite emotional... and i cant control myself!!!

today... encountered a BAD "customer" on the phone. She dont understand my point and kept insisting that i had promised her to give it to her the other time (I DID NOT!!!!)
She was raising her voice, and I did likewise...
ya .. i wasnt very professional, but i cant care less... she talk loud, i will talk even louder...i even her from talking sometimes by emphasising my point VERY loud... and i was so pissed tat i slammed my phone down when i hanged up.. then my neighbour ask me what happen? am i ok??
I was really angry.. and felt like scolding her... i dont care if she go complain or what.. but shes simply an idiot!!! thats the problem with many singaporeans... they always think they are right.. and they always think there are the only one in the world. Pls! we need time to process and this bugger was calling me for update juz after 2 days! I nearly said " auntie!! u think u r the only 1 who appeal meh? pls lah auntie!! dun be so kanchiong spider lah!"
haiz... n i need to call her back to let her know outcome...
i kept delay calling her coz i dont wanna get agitated again...

but somehow... the 2nd time i called her, she is much more understanding.. hmm.. shd i say much more? actually no... she is not so gugu.. but she is still a gugu lah!!!! demand this n that...

dont give u $, everything is peaceful
give u $, u wan more

whats the point?? dont give lor!!!!!!!!!!! wake up ur ideas lah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont make me greet ur mamas!!!!

and i told my neighbour that i dont like heewan... tempted to tell him abt this interesting nickname.. but i did not lah... he said.. no comment
see... sometimes i am too straight... i would love to share everything to anybody.. but am i doing the rite thing? i am not protecting myself too much...
But.. i cant really care more lah.... dont like means dont like... i wont be a fako....

i dont like u heewan! u hear that???

Monday, April 24, 2006

its me!!!

Juz saw my Zchen on tv!!! sooo excited.....
Let me tell you how my nite goes...

I knew that he will appear on wan quan yu le tonite.. and though i was super tired and kept dozing off... I stayed awake... and managed to catch a short glimpse of him....

Chey.. abit.... waste my time....

then.. suddenly saw the japanese version of "journey to the west" is showing... a show which i had been looking forward.... so i wasnt so sleepy liao

then.. got sms from my fren... zchen on channel 49!!! yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
he said... he dont mind tall gers, and he like mature gers......

*blush* why is he sooo daring...? why is he confessing his love for me over national tv?????? lucky he did not take out my picture and show.. else... tomorrow, i will be busy!

Oh.. my Zchen..... try harder. i might agree to marry u...... *blush*

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Dear god...........

I made a promise in my heart....

If i Strike toto or 4D, and my prize $ is $2k and above, I will go Taiwan and support my hubby!!!!!
errrr... okok.. i mean Zchen... heheee

So heaven ar... let me strike, if you think i should go.....

Hear that????????????????????????

anyway, complain time again... as many of you know, I went back to office on Sat n Sun... yes, i worked 7 days week!!!! Crazy man!!! Anyway, I am the most "hardworking" fellow, coz i went back both days...( my boss also lah.. but dont say her lah! she Should go back 1 lah! boss mah!). The other AM... 1 went on sat.. 1 went on sun....
damn.. sabo me.. n i heard... 1st may... may need to go back! Sheeessh!!! I must start kenging liao... my 3 days of break cant be destroyed by my 'passion" for work man!!!

Anyway, today I took cab to work... and the cabuncle, i complained (yes!!! again!! abt going back to work on sat n sun! hehehe :X)
But anyway, i did a good deed.. i educate him abt the workfare bonus.. told him taxi drivers can actually get WBS, if they declare their income to CPF... hehee.. so i encouraged him to go tell his fellowdrivers to go apply... SEE!!! I did a good deed today! dont know how many cab uncles are going to benefit from my advice... see..... I think i got the potential for General Election....

What PAP, workers party..... how abt some Jane Party????
Who will vote for me??????????????

Saturday, April 22, 2006

I am CQ!

i am becomin a complaint queen, i think.... i realised....

Am i not complaing everyday???

Abt my tough work.. abt the lousy mrt service, abt the baddies who bully me.... abt everything!!! Geez! when did i become a complaint queen????

Anyone who talked to me recently, i will complain n complain abt my work.....

yes.... did u experience it, when i have to go back work on sat n sun this week....? I told practically every1 who talks to me....

Even the starbucks guy! U see... yesterday I worked til 9PM OK!!! was feeling sooo lousy (also becoz of heewan!!!! and her idiotic face with an irritating laughter), so decide to treat myself to some starbucks... (cake and mocha). the starbucks guy asked me whether I juz knock off or juz XXX( dont know what he said....) then i told him.. ya.. juz knock off... worked opposite ..... tmr have to come back... sunday too! and i gave him a pathetic face.....

wah lau eh.... i even complained to a trespasser!
seee... i am such a complaint queen..
under the pressure from society, and the imperfect people in the society....

I am forced to complain... yes.. i am not born a complainer..... pls don blame me....
n continue to bear with my complaints.... i feel much better after complaining....

Thank you audience!!
there are sooo many imperfection in this world

my prince charming!

artistic pic... well taken!! i love this pic!!!

do you???

YES!!! Love Tree Blossom!!!!!

BTW.. if u dunno who is this cute guy, hes ZCHEN!!!!!!

Friday, April 21, 2006


張智成的新專輯"愛情樹"終於來了﹗ 可以預購了﹗ 有特價299元﹗



Me a creative nicknamer

my day could have ended well.. i mean.. at least in workwise..
day was quite smooth... n i talked alot to my new colleague... he just joined today... when i saw him, i thought he looked familiar.... he looked like my ex bf!!! so got some kind of 親切感... so talk talk... and found... hey... quite gum with him.. as in can talk kind... was happy.. coz finally i can have some GOOD company in office....

then....i have to declare 2 fellow as my enemy...

1. is my closely related colleague whose position is AM.. AM means what? Assistant manager? or Asshole manager??? i prefer the latter! :P
anyway, i always feel me n her cant click and i feel that she dont quite like me too... she dont offer me much help... whereas i see her sitting down with my new colleague to go through work! she never once sit down with me.. n she is supposed to be guiding me ok!! tmd... i think she muz have see me as a threat! coz i got the managerial looK! she muz b sooo scare i will steal her ricebowl...
wahaha.. pls dun b deceived by my corporate face.... i am not corporate at all!! who wants to be manager man!!! and u think i will stay long... no way... u shd b glad i stay for the whole year ok... u stupid fishball face!!!!
why i call her fishball face? coz her face is damn big lor...
okok.. i know my face is big too.. but.. my size also big mah.. so... face muz b big mah... abo i will look cartoonish... anyway, my face got the potential to slim down too.. she... so slim.. yet face so big n swollen... hopeless man!!!
anyway, she will be known as fishball or heewan from now on.....

pls rem her ....
she is still under assessment.....for her application to be my enemy.. i will give her 2nd chance review her performance b4 the final verdict

another idiot is this IT person..... i only got 3 letters for her.... TMD !
i am sort of like the coordinator for the vendor... and the vendor made a mistake in the printing... so i settled it.. called that woman back.. told her.. ya... its a vendor mistake.. its settled...
then she talked so loudly.. kept sayin muz make sure there is no more mistake
then i PRPR.. said.. yes.. i will highlight that to her
she shoot me "NO! u cant highlight! its a must! she must do it! u highlight means she might not do it"
wah... if she was in front of me... i may have juz strangled her!!!!
her english bad or what???? if i say highlight.. means i will tell vendor.. and she will jolly well do it....
as if when i say MUST, vendor then will MAGICALLY do it...
siao char bO!!! soooo rude man!!!!!!!
tis woman is officially my enemy.. nex time i will talk loud loud to her also! and slam my phone on her!!! i cant stand rude ppl! cant she b nicer!? damn her man...
so what nick shd she has?? her name is ghim fong....fong ge pi! pls dun humilate fongster ok!!!
ghim...... how abt calling her.... nose shit? bi sai!!
yes.. she will be bi sai! pls note her down!!!! she is condemned!!!!!!!!!

hum chi peng
whats next!
who needs a nickname?????

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

i hate mrt!

some1 asked... how is your day?

I can only concluded... I got a BAD transportation luck today....

Waited quite long for my feeder bus... then the bus came... then... the engine got problem.. so the bus went really slow and stopped on some occasions....
ok... i will be late lor

then took the (god damn) mrt... waited whopping 5 min for the train @ juron east.. u may think.. its only 5 min... but 5 min is not acceptable in the morning like this.. max time is 3 min, so when i saw the waiting time, was flaring up inside and as usual.. curse and swear mrt..and contemplating whether i should quit my job anot... yes... every morning squeezing in the train dont make me happy...
alright, so 5 min later.. the train came. As expected, all of us were possessed by the barbarian spirit. every1 rushed in. I have to too, coz i am already late... and ended up just like a sardine! damnz.... cursed n sweared further... why am i acting like a sardine early in the morning?????

anyway... all the suay suay things had happened.. the rest of the day shouldnt be that bad...

who knows... tragedy striked again.....
waited bus for very long...... sigh.. as if its not late ...
then.. got to the interchange.. suddenly think.. how can i avoid taking the stupid train? aaaarrrhh... i can take 188 but i have to walk to IMM... thats a pretty long walk... but... nvm.. i shall walk....
so i began walking...

saw an overhead bridge, but was lazy to climb the stairs and the faith in me was strong that there would definately be traffic light up ahead....

it was a bad assumption... i had to walk the distance of like 5 bus stop, b4 i reached my destinated bus stop... its a ulu pathway .. dark and quiet(but safe coz its juz beside the road)
when i almost reached my busstop(phew), i saw my 188 pass me...

what?!!!! this is a joke rite??? 188 frequency is damn *beep* slow...
anyway... reached bus stop... waited a good 15 min or so.. before my bus finally came....

thats my suay suay day.....

Monday, April 17, 2006

colors of the week..

U know... some people call it Monday Blues....

INteresting.. how abt having colors for all days for the week?

Monday : Blue
Tuesday : Grey
Wednesday : Brown
Thursday : Green
Friday : Red
Saturday : Orange
Sunday : White


ur prayers is needed badly...

hmmm..... some things happened today... though they are totally unrelated.. but let me brief you on my "exciting" (yawnz) day...

Matter 1
this morning... went office, checked mail... and i almost flipped down my chair when i read this email....
"Attn... you may need to come back on sat n sunday to clear the load...."

*flip and vomite white foam*

sat n sun!! means... i worked for 7 days.. with no nua days???
How do i..... live??????

die die....

every1... pls clasp ur hands together and read this
"Dear heaven, let them finish the work so that Jane do not need to go back office this Sat and Sun..... She need her restday badly... Amen. no, i mean Omitofooo......................

Matter 2
Today... I did not have lunch.. bcoz no appetite and nothing appeals to me along that street.. so... i never eat! Coincidentally.. every1 in office asked me whether I had my lunch! its funny... when I eat, nobody asked me... and just when i did not eat today... 5 persons asked me whether i had my lunch already! its hard to explain why i never eat..... they may start to imagine that i am not eating coz i am overstressed? hehee..... but oh well... my point is.... its Murphy's law in action again

Matter 3
Today had a meeting.. and my 大大粒 was saying that when we come back on weekends or PH to work.. we can only claim for 1x time off... its not double.....

屁leh!!! 你给我花生,你还要骗我的感情。。 什么态度嘛!!!
anyway.. its not worthwhile to go back OT... so pls pls.... dont let me have the chance to lugi!!

我亲爱的星期5。。。快来吧!! 我真得很想你啊。。。。

* 我很想你。。 你知道吗? *

there's too little good friday around...

i dont care if monday ......
tuesday is....
and wednesday is .....
thursday i dont.......
coz Friday I'm in love...................

yes... i love friday! i am anticipating for my Friday to come! why cant we have a GOOD friday every week??????


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Hi Stranger!

woo... its been long.... any1 miss me? hehee
finally.... the GOOD Friday is here... I love fridays... especially GOOD ones... hehee

these days... I have been working hard, as if to make up for the past 2 years (may i add,of slacking life). Time is different now..
now.. every morning,, gotta reach office at 830am! and squeeze myself (unhappily) into the crowded train.. stand all the way..... lousy!

Reached office... work work work..... call call call... do do do.....yes.. everything is tripled!
then its the 1 hour SHORT lunch break... yes... its juz a time to fill the stomach and go back to work... no more shopping for me... But then.. there are many great food around the area... amoy street, tanjong pagar.. and yesterday I had a delicious tom yam mee @ Uncle Sam! Yum yum.... but then.. today.. i had a pathetic kaya toast as I was rushing my work... n... the toast really sucks... last time HP's 1 was much much much better!!! yucks!!!

I have really changed....
my working attitude is now more... positive (though i dont know how long my "passion" will last me... hehe). Now sometimes, I love being busy (how can that be!!!????). if not, it would be very boring.. yes... no MSN to kill time.. if nothing to do.. really can be bored to death man!

i would take initiative to do things now...
I took half day leave on tues, then was tempted to juz take whole day off n slack at home.. n i actually went home, changed out of my working clothes, took out my contact lenses, plant myself in front of the tv, and think.. oh.. later i can go MSN n chat and i can have a nap too!!
then suddenly... i remembered.. i got an urgent matter to attend to in office... Was in tis great dilemma whether... shd i go back... or not....
in the end, I went back!
Can u believe it?
Me... Jane... soo..... responsible??????
Anyway, then i went back office n chop chop finish the work b4 my boss came back from lunch. n she was like wanna explain things to me, and my reply was.. "it has been settled"
Steady bo????
wahahaaa... n i think my Hum Chi Peng boss is kinda impressed by my "attitude" that she is startin to be quite nice to me...
(why i call her hum chi peng? its bcoz she smells like one!!!! really... everytime i am beside her, i would smell hum chi peng.... )

hahaaa.. every1 is kena bluffed by me...
i am juz acting hardworking... the real me is a slacker!!!! I am such a good actresss!!!!

hmmm.. or is it that... i have really become a workaholic??????

Goodbye Slacker... Hello Workaholic


Monday, April 10, 2006

wake up ur ideas fellowmates!!

Singaporeans...... are really ugly lots...

every morning, i will witness the ugliness.....

on MRT....

every1 is like pushing and shoving so that they can get onto the train... its very irritating... sometimes i really feel like slapping them right in their face....
as the train door is closing, pls do NOT snuggle in!! it means all the people in the train are already stationed, standing comfortably. our feets are in position to handle the haywiring train motion. With you suddenly stepping in, it juz destroy all the formation....
worse still... people who charge in at last minute usually have this smug smile on their face. they muz be thinkin.. "wow.. i am sooooo smart"
slap u ar!!!! smile somemore!

i really wonder.. how come there r soooooo many people on the train... the train frequency is like 2 minute... stil cant handle the crowd! maybe they should increase the frequency to 1 min.... i hate mrt! esp during peak hours...
wonder if i can use this as an excuse to quit! i need to work somewhere where i can take a bus to work! i cant handle the train.. and the baddies!

ok... then.. its time to get out of train and walk... to the escalator... some unshameful fellow will simply walk from the side and cut queue! cut my queue!! no shame ar!!!!
but anyway... after my rage, i wont be nice anymore.. i wont permit anybody to cut my queue my sliding in like this... i will just charge ahead... my direction is only forward.. i will not entertain these clowns! for godness sake.. where is ur courtesy!!!

Singaporeans..... i dont know what to say.. sometimes i am really ashamed to have such fellowmates...

everything also wanna complain complain!
(btw.. i am not talking abt me ok? i complain.. got point 1.. i am referring to those ridiculous complaints.. )
gahmen dont give us $, we complain
gahmen give us $, we complain its too little...
what the fish!!!!!!!!!!

some joker was complaining abt the criteria set for the $ gahmen is giving us... he said... his mum work OT.. thats why pay higher... so in the end.. she got less bonus from gahmen. then he added... "rest assure... i will ask my mum not to work so hard. she wil just sit at home and wait for the $"
feel like telling him... pls go ahead and shake ur leg at home....

what are they thinking!! his mum OT-ing... is sure worth more than $200/year rite???? if he wanna gian the $200, and give up more $..... i can only say.... " u r a bloody fool!!"

these are examples of ugly singaporeans...
why? why are we like that? cant we b more gracious? cant we be better???
why are we they lousy people, with such a good country???
if these goes on.. we will doom! Singapore will be dragged down in no time...

hmm.. maybe i shd run for parliament? i need to re-educate my fellow countrymates....

wake up ur ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Look at this dish....

This is a Hakka dish called 算盘子(suan ban zi lah), or known as abacus in English... The greyish thing is made up of flour and yam... then u fry it with meat, mushroom, blah blah blah (cant tell so much.. coz its secret recipe!:P)

You may be puzzled.. how come this doesnt look like the usual one?
Well... this is the discounted version. The usual version involved rolling each piece to a small little ball... but my mama do it the lazy way... rolled to 1 big piece.. then cut! haha
p/s but it stil taste as good!

This is 1 of my fave food.. n i only get to eat this maybe like once per year?

Suddenly, i got this business idea to set up a food stall selling hakka food.. will it be lucrative????

Would you like to try my abacus???

You may think it looks boring from my picture but hey hey hey! it aint boring at all!!! U gotta try it next time man!

Any takers????

The Realistic Romantic

Just done a personality test and this is the conclusion! pretty Jane-ic!

The Realistic Romantic
Flexible and positive in your outlook, you tend to take things in your stride and are unfazed by sudden changes of direction. Where others see problems, you see opportunities. Where others see danger, you see adventure. Your cheerful disposition compels you to make the best of every situation. In your view, life's a buffet - so why stick to one dish? But while you savour surprises and relish variety, you are neither a outlandish trendsetter nor a slavish follower of fashion. You know what you like - and quite often that's the tried and true rather than the hot and hip. During your leisure time, you usually choose to relax and be entertained rather than challenged. Your strong practical streak makes you selective in your embrace of new technology and you harbour a healthy suspicion of gimmickry. While you are definitely not into filling up your life with gadgets, you welcome products that will make your life easier or eliminate unpleasant chores. Authentic experience - be it with or without a hand-held electronic device - is what turns you on!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Am I your superwoman?

I was reading a blog... abt a ger who suffered sooo much during her 4 years relationship with her ex-bf. I am really touched by her giving all herself out, even to the point when she suffered in silence, not even telling her closest friends abt it... It was really hard on her...
But her bf never did appreciate her....

With this, i would like to remind everyone to treasure the person beside you.. U shd never take anybody for granted. They are there for you out of goodwill. If you dont treasure him/her, one fine day, she will wake up from her nightmare and walk away...

It's true that you never know how good he/she is, til you lost her... and what follows... are regrets

I hereby dedicate this wonderful song to all ... to remind all to really treasure your gf/bf/wife/hubby... you wouldnt want to regret when its all over...

Anyway, this song is called Superwoman which sort of sing the woes of this man who lost her superwoman...
(as i cant find the lyrics online, i wrote it all out myself.. that explains the XXXX... words i cant catch! hehe and lyrics are subjected to errors...:P)


Early in the morning
I prepare breakfast at your table


You were my superwoman
But I am only human
oh baby.....

XXXXX your way to the shower
Try to make it all just for me


You were my superwoman
But I am only human
oh baby....


Thursday, April 06, 2006

. (too tired to write a title)

tmr is fri....
times flies..
this week passed very fast...
but has it been spent meaningfully?

in my opinion... no.....

i need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok..see... i am too tired to blog more now... this is how tired i am now....
is it good? is it good for u?
no interesting stories for me to share with u.. not exactly dont have..
juz that... i am simply too tired to blog nicely for u....

so.. i got an idea!
If you would like me to continue blogging so that you can enjoy my blog... why dont u guys support me???? maybe each 1 of u pay me $5 each time u read my blog?
how abt that???????

i can dont go outside and work.... juz stay home and create interesting stories to blog...
U happy, I happy, We happy!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

getting crazy...

life sucks.. and i am lookin sooo forward to fri nite, sat and sunday... i can finally have my life back..

work is tough! busy busy... today OT for 1 hour...
today only my 3rd day.. OT 1 hour...
whats tomorrow????
whats next week????
jialat man.....
today they still throw 1 more thing for me to do... logistic! damn.. this sounds chim.... and the person doing it is leaving this friday... so.. conclusion... " Die lah!!!"

just now during dinner.. my mama was telling me lucky never buy 4d.. coz never open
i suddenly replied: i wanna buy toto
she asked: why? got big $ now again???
i answered: no... if i win, i wont need to work liao
she rolled her eyes....

damn.. i am becoming crazy...

even my beloved bestmate is hiam-ing me too kbkp liao... coz everyday i wil make noise about anything abt my work.. and everything is of coz put across negative...
But i am glad coz his replies always make me pengz... stress reliever u know.....

Bestmate.. if u r reading this.. i just wanan say a big thank u.. and pls continue to destress me as and when needed... and pls be more creative. go think of funny things to tell me ok! When you free, lets go fly kite together ok!!!!

anyway... hope i will tio toto.... or.. maybe i can find a golden turtle????? sugar papa??????
okok... a more relac job.. like.... HP's? hehehe

OH!!!! God bless me!!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

bad bad bad...

Higher pay but no life?
Lower pay with a life?

Which would you choose? I would choose a low pay with life!

I really dislike working so much.. that I... I.........

haiz.. i really shd have stop study at O level, and be a low level clerk. I think I will be quite happy like tat..... With my hefty study loan... How can I become a low level clerk( though I dont mind!)?

Life aint good....
Have to wake up at 630... how many hours of sleep do i get? Its unhealthy!!!!
Have to be a kiasu singaporean and wriggle my way into the train with my fellow kiasu-sters... and squeeze in the train.. stand all the way from my place to TP.... it aint enjoyable...
With these experience, i hate train deeper...
1 hour lunch break.. which is just sufficient for lunch. Period.
No Shopping time for me to digest my lunch? It aint healthy!!! People cant just sit there after lunch ok..... my tummy will get swollen in no time!
Fridays... no dress down... what is this...? u mean we adults dont even have the freedom to dress what we like? does dressing in jeans affect our productivity?? huh??? does it matter????

Oh man... now i really miss my days in HP (of coz i mean the pre-ass boss days)
I can report to work even at 930.... as long as I do what i have to do...
Every morning, i will take the super long bus and slowly sit my way to office. Its an enjoyment ok!!! I can choose to listen to music, enjoy scenary, read books or nap!
Lunch hours..... abt 2 daily... can go harborfront and anyhow shop.. stil can complain "aiyo.. still so early.. but nowhere to shop liao"
Imagine how lucky i was last time....
Go home at 545, if i feel like it.... nobody is realy goiin to track ur timing....
MC,leaves, work from home... all is quite flexi.....

Oh... My beloved HP.... will you pls hire me back???? I miss u alot!

I am soooo tired everynite, that I dozed off in front of my fave tv shows... sighz....
this is bad........


If you are wondering why I did not blog abt my "exciting" 1st day at work....
its only bcoz....

Theres nothing exciting!!!!!

I am tired out by working... been some times since i work... and i cant adapt... yawnz...

woke up sooo early recently..... then have to rush rush... then squeeze with ppl on train...
today is my 2nd day... and i actually OT 40 min!!!!

by the time I reached home, i am sooo tired... that i dont have the energy to do anything else, like reading my books...
What is this????
IS this life????

Working life really sucks... why do i have to work???

with work... there is no leisure time. I need my leisure badly....

Tender soon????

Let me tio toto lah! then i can throw my letter and enjoy myself for 1 year.....

Monday, April 03, 2006


Highly recommended album!
Great Singer... Garyblue... Chaoge....
Especially the song..."Superwoman"... damn damn nice.........

Well. dont worrry... my no.1 is still my ZChen!
Maybe 2nd is Chaoge? hehehee

similarity=both are msian!! Have I a fetish for Msian?????

Sunday, April 02, 2006

be safe tw!

wow... such a close shave....
Today.. taiwan got earthquake...
imagine... 1 week ago.. i was in taiwan!! My mama would be sooo worried if it happened when i was there. (though its not as serious, but she will be worried.. mothers are mothers)
thank god i am back...

but.. no.. im not being evil.. i hope it will be safe n sound in taiwan... bless the taiwanese....
and also.. my princez is there... muz bless for his safety and good health too.. so he can record a nice album by May....

Best wishes to Taiwan!!! and the folks!

Saturday, April 01, 2006


全亞洲歌迷連署力挺智成台灣發片有望updated:2006-03-31 20:01:28 MYT
張智成新專輯《快樂》去年7月份在馬、新和中國推出後,台灣發片遙遙無期,讓智成迷極度不滿,除了早前有台灣歌迷直“踩”光良簽唱會,手持標語要大家連署讓張智成繼續發片外,“智成一家”歌迷會這次擴大行動,發起“全亞洲聯署 力挺張智成台灣發片”活動,召集全亞洲5個主要華人地區(包括馬新、中港台)的歌迷,結合力量助偶像發片!不曉得是不是歌迷這一份百分百誠意的支持感動了唱片公司,張智成台灣發片計劃終於有了眉目!
歌迷發起聯署力挺張智成台灣發片以下為歌迷所發起的“全亞洲聯署力挺張智成台灣發片”“訴求書”摘要:全亞洲5個主要華人地區的歌迷決定不再沉默,誓用行動力來表達我們的訴求!!!“全亞洲聯署 力挺張智成台灣發片”是由台灣、馬來西亞、新加坡、香港、中國內地及其他地區歌迷聯手合作,全亞洲同步進行的聯署活動。眼見本地實力派歌手飽受拖延發片的委屈,身為馬來西亞一份子的我們,更應該站出來給予他最真誠的祝福和鼓勵,以及圓夢的力量!!!此全亞洲聯署將以網路聯署和手簽聯署同時並行!!!全亞洲網頁聯署:http://www.zchencn.com/ls/guestbook/手簽聯署書可在聯署網頁下載,並察尋回寄方式。
身為馬來西亞一份子的你也不要再沉默,一起支持聯署,給予張智成夢想起飛的力量吧!! (星洲日報/娛樂‧2006/03/31)


This is the lyrics of my ZChen new song!!! Touching right??? Let me explain in English... (I will try my best lah...)

愛情樹 Love Tree
我不要妳在我身邊 I dont want you to be by my side
卻看著藍天 To look at the blue sky
不看我的臉 But not my face

我但願妳快樂的飛 I rather you fly away happily
將來要相愛都還有時間 There will still be time for our love in the future
風開始在吹 孤獨好直接 The wind start blowing Lonliness is so direct
愛最苦的是不能相依偎 Love is hardest when we cant XXXX
然而我會等著妳 But I will continue to wait
回來的季節 For the season when you will return

我的愛情是一棵樹 My love is a tree
永遠不會離開一步 Forever wont move a step
風雪多殘酷 我想我挺得住 However strong the wind or snow is I think I can bear with it
我的生命是一棵樹 My life is a tree
只願成為妳的歸宿 Hoping to be your shelter
我義無反顧 I wont regret
守護你是最大 的幸福(我義無反顧從日落到日出 oh…..) Watching over you is my biggest blessing (From sunset to sunrise)

最深的溫柔是成全 The deepest gentleness is to give my blessing
我張開雙臂 I opened up my wings
任憑妳來回 For your return
最痛的時候就思念 The toughest time is missing you
不可能撤退 Impossible to turn back

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