
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bus etiquette

Being a frequent passenger of buses.. i observed numerous behaviour, which is really yucky..

So allow me to share with you some of Janeism Bus Etiquette, and be sure to learn well!

1. Thank the bus driver if he wait for you while u chased the bus from a distance. This is basic courtesy.
2. Pls take out your ezlink card and tap. Not put them inside your bags and try to tap and tap. It is a waste of time to the people behind, very disturbing... I dont like...
3. Dont stand in front of the door, unless you are getting off at the next stop (or maybe next next stop is still ok)
4. Dont leave any thing behind on your seats, even some harmless looking bottle or some tissue papers. Though they are harmless, they look somewhat disgusting...
5. Don't cough into the hair of the person in front of you. If you need to cough, pls cover your mouth and cough downwards, onto ur lap. The person in front certainly does not like getting her hair sprayed with your virus (Yes, I am talking from my own experience... my poor hair)
6. Avoid putting on disturbing scent on you. Eg Axe medicated oil, some strong stingish perfume. It really is suffocating enough!
7. Get out of your seat if you are sitting at the outside seat to allow the person inside to get off. If no space is there, you should at least tilt your body to be parallel so that the person has a bigger space to move.. Dont be a woodblock please!
8. Kindly give your seats to elderly and young kids

So these are the 8 golden rules of Bus Etiquette. You may reproduce, print and paste it on the wall...
I know I am such a genius to set my own rules ! Wow.... I am impressed too! :P


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