
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

janeism law

i have already decide (99.9%) that i am leaving my job... unless my bosss give me a super duper big pay increment.

Many people think that I am silly... why leave without a job? I should renew my contract, find a job before i go...
I know... i know thats the most logical solution too..

But I just dont feel like doing it... Bcoz my heart dont want to. I dont like to do things that my heart isnt agreeing... Maybe I am using my heart more than my brain in this case. But my heart is as important as my brain. If i continue to stay here.. i wont be happy... whatever for?

I need to venture out of my comfort zone for greener pasture... b4 i got sooo used (and rotten) here.. this place is really setting a bad expectation for me.... can come work late, can go long lunch, can take mc(without showing my mc), can take leave(without applying in system).. where can i find such haven? I think nowhere else... except here.... But i need to be realistic. I cant be stayin here til i am old rite? I need to move out of my comfort zone.
Its a risk... risk of finding a yucky-er job in the future. risk of not finding a job for a long time. risk of not having income...
Well.. i am willing to take the risk.. I believed this will not be the end of me.
I will find a better job!!!! I am positive!!! I am an optimist!! I am a believer of myself!!!

Thats what Janeism is all about!!


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