The posts that my emperor had posted last week... hehe
He is currently on leave and in Taiwan... Hope he will have a great break! and come back recharged for the brand new 2006!
時間:2005/12/12 16:42
天很冷, 距離上一張listen to me在台北發行到現在已經2年.不知道明年初發新專輯的計畫是否能夠落實?我是已經準備好了, 不知道各方面的人事物是否還是正常的進行著? 一起等吧!
-------------------------- Z-Chen(2005/12/13 05:05)
回應:我比較貪心, 人數不夠多不復出...哼!! 要確定像2003年那樣的熱鬧..不然冷宮你們會讓皇上我來嗎??
-------------------------- Z-Chen(2005/12/16 09:49)
回應:嘿嘿!很久沒有感受那麼冷的天氣啦!受不了辣..頻頻找熱湯喝..太久沒回來,赫然發現家裡好多食用品都過期了, 還好大家送我的暖暖包還用的著, 大家多多上來分享, 沒時間的就叫人代勞. 好嗎?最近在聽'輕鬆玩'的專輯, 是一張好專輯, 有空去買來聽...感謝很多一路以來給我支持的媒體, 很感動. 希望大家可以繼續為好音樂說話, 你們的一句真話會給我很大很大鼓勵.我想大家也是時候一起學習'看清'什麼是有實力和什麼是來鬧來混的人, 買專輯看演唱會也要看有料有誠意的, 如果只靠人起趕著賺錢的, 改版加料如果沒必要的話, 你們就不要隨波逐流囉! 記得還有很多值得我們支持的歌手阿!!!唸完了..
Know how much I support my princez??? come closer.. let me tell u a secret... come come....
Everytime i go harborfront for lunch.. and if i go into the cd shop there.. i will look out for my z's album. That shop always stack cd after cd... so only some cds get exposed... so what i do is... hehehe
everytime i will HELP to move my Z's cd up... hahhahaaa... how can hide good things up??? cant be soo selfish 1! Must learn to share.....
Yes!!! Nobody can put my Z's happiness behind!!! It should be the number 1 cd!!! at least to me... so if the shops dont display it as I liked... im sorry... i have to take the initiative.... kekeke
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