
Monday, January 23, 2006

I pass primary school

I was preparing for my interview tomorrow... was "shocked" to learn how primary school function today.. wow.. so different from MY TIMES....

But I am sharing with u... the DESIRED outcome of education for Primary school... and whether I did achieved the desired results...

Intermediate Outcomes of Education

At the end of primary school, pupils should:

be able to distinguish right from wrong Yup!! Of coz I can!not only can I distinguished Right from Wrong, I can distinguish between RIGHT from LEFT too!!
have learnt to share and put others first Yup!! Of coz.. i always believe in sharing... and I am quite considerate to others too... I will press the lift button for people coming in.. i will try not to block others' way, and many more...
be able to build friendships with others Yup! I have many great friends...
have a lively curiosity about things Hmm... sometimes only... i am not a very curious person... I can live without not knowing why
be able to think for and express themselves Yes! I can definately think... but to express myself.. i dont think I am very good in it.. but... soso lah! can pass lah!
take pride in their work Pride in my work??? Well, if i do... then i am a loser! who will be proud of my job??? maybe except the part where i can to get too bored til i dont know what to do, and ended up knocking off earlier... hmm.. well....*shrugs*
have cultivated healthy habits Oh well.. i am trying hard to have healthy habits... muz move more.. eat healthier... brush my teeth... yes... i am trying still...
love Singapore Yup!! I do love Singapore!!

So... in conclusion, i think Gahmen is quite successful in cultivating me!! If they ever need a role model for the success story.. I am quite available....


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