
Saturday, January 21, 2006

Capricorn in Love

There is a rumor that Capricorns are the best lovers of the zodiac when they feel stable and secure and can see the long term purpose of the union they are in. The focused determination of Saturn as a guiding light brings the same unequaled force into the bedroom and into the relationship as they apply to building their life and their security.

Capricorn is slow to trust and even slower to love but once their heart is given there is very little they won't do to back up and support and love their mate. The symbolism of Capricorn is the Seagoat...a useful metaphor is the ability to penetrate both environments on earth....water and land. Spiritually...they can conquer both the spirit and the body. Love is nothing less than a goal and they are capable of approaching it with the same dedication as they approach any other important endeavor in their life.

They are loyal, nurturing caregivers and supporters at their best. Cold, calculating and emotionally repressed at their worst. The realm of feelings is the h

Capricorn Sexuality: When they are secure within themselves and within a partnership they can take their lover to the peaks of sexual mountaintops. They know how to apply patience and dedication to discovering how to please and their leisurely approach to getting to know a mates intimate secrets promises that they possess an almost push button control of their partners sexual desires. It is not the pure and raw driving sexuality of Scorpio...nor the romantic and enchanting passion of Libra...it is a combination of the human physical need for sex and the spirits need to experience the height of a pleasure and to merge it into one. A soul moving encounter that brings the primal...into the spiritual.

The long term story: Capricorns require patience and dedication. They are often shy and awkward in their emotions early on growing in strength and acceptance the longer they stay within a union. They need to have a purpose behind their actions and a purpose behind the relationship. They take the initial investment of heart to the building of a long term commitment with the same serious intent that they conquer all their mountains in life. They can be domineering and cold if they are not in touch with their feeling centers. Materialistic and self serving as well. Once committed most Capricorns stay committed as they are bound to a sense of responsibility. It takes a lot to sever a serious Capricorn tie but once it is severed...they can be vengeful and hateful. They are not always the best judge of character and so let downs and relationship break ups become personal mistakes that they often repress and refuse to accept. They provide one of the most secure and empowering bonds when they are complet

Positive Traits in Love: Loyal, dedicated, patient, kind, generous, supportive, serious, dependable, tolerant, attentive.

Negative traits: Possessiveness, control, coldness and aloofness, lack of emotional tolerance or depth, materialistic, narrow minded, vindictive, bitter, melancholy.

What Capricorn likes:Loyalty, Feeling secure, Financial/material stability, Ambitious mates, Feeling committed, Making long term relationship plansDependability, Reliability, Perseverance

What Capricorn Dislikes:Flightiness, Being bossed around, Crudeness/coarseness, Dominance, Game playing, Ego displays, ExtravaganceBeing challenged by a lover, Indecisiveness

Capricorn Love Keywords:Loyal, ambitious, dedicated, focused, honesty, disciplined, severe, possessive, controlling, cold, calculating


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