
Friday, September 23, 2005

"Sian man... No mood work today"

"Sian man... No mood work today" is a very common phrase... Used by
me... Almost every other days..
Hehee.. People whom I talked to most probably will reply..." you
everyday also no mood one what!"

Wahaha... That is very true... I am wasting my precious time (and
youth!!) every day making noise.. How can I make it any better? I really
don't know... Can some1 tell me? Why do human need to work? Why?? Life
is short... Shouldn't we be engaging in something which we really enjoy?

No way... We need the money for survival.. For pleasure.. Everything
needs money.. Hence we will need to work

Hence I will continue to work.. And make noise.... Juz hope... My
friends don't avoid me... Juz take it as I am farting ok? hehee

Anyway..... it's Friiiidaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!

Best Regards,


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